We will be upgrading our website and later on we will be dealing with the app version, so
This is what you can expect:
New update for wowonder: v4.3
ADDED monetization system, users are able now to sell their own content like only fans.
ADDED directory system, users can view the site content without the need to login.
ADDED the option to choose the default landing page, NewsFeed, Register, Welcome or Directory.
ADDED reels system, users can upload their own videos as reels.
ADDED watch page, users can view and watch all videos from one page.
ADDED qiwi pament method.
ADDED payfast payment method.
ADDED switch accounts system, user can login to multiple accounts.
ADDED the ability for users to create ads in story system.
ADDED wordpress login system.
FIXED 95+ reported bugs in the system.
IMPROVED code in few files.
UPDATED few libs in PHP.
IMPROVED nodejs chat system speed and code.